News & Press Release

JFE MERANTI Groundbreaking Ceremony in Thilawa SEZ - Zone B

March 3, 2018

We at JFE Meranti Myanmar proudly announce the Groundbreaking Ceremony of our process lines and administration building in Thilawa SEZ, zone B on March 01st, 2018.


We began this special day with the safety prayers from head monk Alan Pya Sayar Daw Phaya of Alan Pya Kyaung Dite Monastery. Our CEO Dr. Sebastian Langendorf and our shareholders’ representatives performed the Yay Set Cha (water pouring) ritual and presented donations and gifts to the monks.

Following the monk prayers, our distinguish guests started to arrive, including the H.E. Vice President U Henry Van Thio, Minister of Commerce U Than Myint, Vice Minister of Finance U Set Aung, other government officials, Japanese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Tateshi Higuchi, shareholders’ representatives, customers and business partners.


As part of our collaboration with Myanmar’s Thanlyin Technological University, we also invited their students to join us. We hoped that this experience will help nurture their passions for their future careers.

During the ceremony, our CEO Dr. Sebastian Langendorf and JFE Steel CEO Mr. Koji Kakigi gave their thoughts on the new business venture in Myanmar.


We were then honoured by the congratulation speeches by Vice President U Henry Van Thio, Minister U Than Myint, and Ambassador of Japan Mr. Tateshi Higuchi.

The ceremony ended with the official affirmation of groundbreaking by 16 VIPs: HANWA CEO Mr. Hironari Furukawa, MISI CEO Mr. Tomohito Kaneda, JFE Shoji Trade CEO Mr. Naosuke Oda, Minister of Telecommunication Industry H.E. Daw Nilar Kyaw, Vice Minister of Finance and Chairperson of TSMC U Set Aung, Chief Minister of Yangon Region Government U Phyo Min Thein, Ambassador of Japan in Yangon H.E. Tadeshi Higuchi, JFE Steel CEO Mr. Koji Kakigi, JFE Meranti CEO Dr. Sebastian Langendorf, Vice President of Myanmar H.E. U Henry Van Thio, Minister of Commerce H.E. U Than Myint, Vice Minister of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Fujiwara, Director of JETRO Tokyo Mr. Mizui, First Secretary of Embassy of Belgium Mr. Idesbald van der Gracht, Penta Ocean CEO Mr. Takuzo Shimizu, CMI VP Mr. Eric Franssen.


To our guests, thank you for joining us and we hope you had a pleasant time. We look forward to seeing you at our next milestone!


Please see Myanmar Business Today’s article about the Groundbreaking Ceremony here.

JFE MERANTI Groundbreaking Ceremony in Thilawa SEZ - Zone B